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Our Team

Meet Our Qualified Doctor

We at Bright skin clinic are committed to provide best in class procedure for your Skin, Hair & Nail.

DR .S .Swetha MD DVL


How It Works

Get started in just 3 steps

  • Speak to us

    The first step is very simple - call us and book an appointment. We are available on all working days at your convenience.

  • Discuss the course of action

    At Bright skin, you will be a part of the Procedure process right from day 1. The doctor will explain and discuss every step of the Procedure so that you know which solution to go with and why.

  • Receive post-procedure guidance

    Our job doesn't end with the Procedure. We will send you home with a detailed action plan and post-Procedure guidance. This will help you make the most out of the Procedure.

Our Vision

Fostering excellence in patient care by improving the health and healing of the communities with cost effective procedure. Introspect the services we provide to what is needed in the community.

Our Mission

Providing personalized skin and hair diagnosis with great attention to patients need and safety. Showing an unparalleled passion and commitment in delivering a comprehensive procedure.

Value Statements

We strive to exceed the expectations of our patients and care givers by maintaining high standards. We are committed to ethical standards, confidentiality and compassion.

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Succesful Medical Services


General Question

We at Bright skin clinic are committed to provide best in class procedure for your skin and hair.

Side effects with laser procedure are quite rare and can be either burning or scabbing. Specialists at Skin and hair clinic take precautions to accurately assess the health and skin sensitivity.

Our Services

What Service We Offer

We at Bright skin clinic are committed to provide best in class procedure for your skin, hair & Nail. Our costumized procedure provide safe and effective solution to all your skin and hair related problems.